Monday, September 6, 2010

Silicon is Element #14

1.) My element is Silicon, Atomic Number 14. It is also known as Silicium in Latin, Křemík in Czech, and Kisel in Swedish. The name originated for the Latin word of "flint" which translated to "silicis". The name was given in 1824 by scientist Jans Jacob Berzelius, a Swedish scientist.

Pieces of Pure Silicon.

3.) The most common isotope is known as 28Si and has 14 neutrons as well as 14 protons in its nucleus. The other naturally occuring isotopes for Silicon are known as 29Si and 30Si
  •  28Si is considered stable and does not have a half-life. Its natural abundance is 92.2297%, and the average atomic mass is 27.9769271 in (ma/u).
  • 29Si is also considered stable and does not have a half-life. Its natural abundance is 4.6832%, and the average atomic mass is 28.9764949 in (ma/u).
  • 30Si is also considered stable and does not have a half-life. Its natural abundance is 3.0872%, and the average atomic mass is 29.9737707 in (ma/u).
 4.) In a neutral atom of Silicon, there are 14 electrons. Silicon has 3 electron shells with two electrons in the first shell, 8 electrons in the second shell, and 4 in the third shell.

5.) The atomic radius of silicon is 235.2 picometers which is 2.35200 x 10^-10 in meters.

6.) The properties of Silicon in its pure element include
  • Melting Point: 1687 [or 1414 °C (2577 °F)] K
  • Boiling Point: 3173 [or 2900 °C (5252 °F)] K
  • Liquid Range: 1486  K 
  • Thermal Conductivity:  150  W m-1 K-1
  • Coefficient of linear thermal expansion: 2.6  x 10-6 K-1
  • Density of solid: 2330  kg m-3
  • Molar Volume: 12.06  cm3
  • Velocity of Sound: 2200  m s-1
  • Young's Modulus: 47  GPa
  • Bulk Modulus: 100  GPa
  • Mineral Hardness: 6.5  (no units)
  • Electrical resistivity: about 100000 10-8 Ω m; or mΩ cm
Silicon Tetrachloride
 7.) There is approximately 14.99 grams of silicon in a 127 pound human. In the Earth, the crust is composed of 25.7% silicon by weight. In our universe, there is approximately 70,000 part per billion by weight.

8.) Some common compounds that silicon forms are:
  • Silicon Oxide or SiO2
  • Silicon Tetrachloride: SiCl4 
  • Trisilicon Tetranitride: Si3N4

Trisilicon Tetranitride

 9.) Silicon was originally discovered by a Swedish Scientist named Jans Jacob Berzelius in 1824. In Sweden, the Berzelius was trying to isolate the element by reacting potassium fluorosilicate with potassium to wash away the potassium and isolate the element. He produced an amorphous sample of pure silicon.

10.) Silicon is a invaluable element in modern day human society. It is used in computer chips, lubricants, used in concrete mixtures, used in medical implants, and in silica (sand) it can be heated to make glass.

11.) An interesting fact about silicon is when workers work in environments saturated with silicaceous dust and it is breathed in, it can develop into a serious lung disease called silicosis. 

12.) My Reference: